
Little to report from this stretch of coast despite a Red-Rumped Swallow and Red-Footed Falcon nextdoor at Bockhill & Kingsdown recently.

2 singing Willow warblers and a Tree Pipit on the 25th, the Tree Sparrow was still around, a first Summer Caspian Gull picked up by Rich B flew SW along the cliff tops, and what looked to be a Hen Harrier arriving off the sea picked up by Richard J were the highlights of the 26th. My first Turtle Dove of the year flew North over Fan Bay on the 27th and a Grey Plover upchannel was the only notable bird on the 28th, Swift numbers are around 40-100 per day with a single Sand martin on the 25th, Smaller numbers of Swallow and even less of House martin occur daily. Hobbies were seen on 3 occasions over the dates.

Ad female Kestrel gritting on the path next to the lighthouse.

Im yet to beat 217 Swifts SW on the 21st this spring

Author: Jamie Partridge

Birding South East Kent: Langdon Hole to South Foreland

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