20/06/24 Zitting Cisticola!

(Fan-Tailed warbler if you prefer the old name)

A moderate North Easterly and a band of cloud over the Channel this morning with finer weather inland. These exact conditions have dropped in a Red-backed shrike at the end of June for me before but today’s bird was something alot rarer…

Little/nothing to report from my walk towards South Foreland beyond a dozen or so Swifts until I reached the end of the cliff edge path before the light house. A distinctly small bird flitted from a tiny privet bush on the very edge of the cliff, my first thought was “what ever that is it’s just arrived”, got my bins on it as it flew and even with a brief flight view the strong Jizz of Fan-tailed warbler was apparent: the rounded tail, long bill with a little droop, short wings and weak little bursts of undulating zigzag flight plus I caught a glimpse of the rusty rump.

The bird flew again between cliff top bushes and this time perched out on the top edge of a privet – a good view; all the mantle streaking, warm buff tones beneath, white throat and hilarious bug-eyed facial expression. I went abit wobbly but fired off some shots as it was nicely side on on top of the bush, just as i did the bird flew and the photos are poor but you can see what it is.

2 trips to Spain and a work trip to Hong Kong this year may have added some extra familiarity of this species but I know them well and do think they look like no other WP bird really. A 9th for Britain, the third for this little stretch of coast and 5th(?) for Kent. Mega bird, classic bloody South Foreland “there and then gone” style migrant/vagrant gone in 60 seconds mind blower. There you go!

3 Hours were spent trying to relocate, plus an afternoon visit. I have a feeling it continued along the cliffs into private gardens. Part of me hopes it settles and will be singing somewhere tomorrow, but lets see.

02/06/24 Bee-eater

Moderate Northerlies and 80% cloud produced a BeeEater today at 09.50 that called a few times over the lighthouse before I picked it up in the bins high and flying NE.

I lost it trying to get the bloody camera on it but hastly sent a text to the Bockhill guys who picked it up over Kingsdown golf course. It was then seen over Sandwich birds obs and again over the Weddington, pretty cool.

Other than that its been quiet for me, A 2cy Black Redstart has been singing on my street and in the garden, a Red Kite actually came in off the sea on the 30th. 320 Swifts SW on the 29th May was worth mentioning , this Hobby was moving with them.